Artistic Design - Gallery108 - Ornaments

The coronation of Humaye Chehrzad, Acrylic on Canvas 36x48 inches


Home Chehrzad was a legendary Kianin dynasty queen of Iran for about 32 years.

Homaye’s husband, Bahman, became ill when Homaye was 6 months pregnant and upon realizing that his death was imminent, he appointed

Homaye as vice-regent, until the birth of her child. She ascended to the throne and ruled Iran after the death of Bahman.

After 8 months Homaye gave birth to his son Key Darab, whom she kept hidden. Eventually she placed Darab in a box that she set floating down the river where Darab was found, saved and raised by a dyer.

Although after 32 years Darab was found and retuned to the capital. At this time Homaye retires and hands the throne down to her son.

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This painting is available only print. It can be ordered in small, medium and large on canvas.